Why Are Eye Exams Important?

164 million adults in the United States wear glasses, which is a huge percentage of the population.

Additionally, millions of children wear glasses, and many may eventually need to wear glasses as they get older.

But if you feel your prescription hasn’t changed or don’t wear glasses, why are eye exams important?

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of eye exams and why you should have your eyes checked at least once a year.

Vision Changes

You may not recognize your vision is changing, as it usually happens gradually. However, an eye doctor will tell and can help you decide if it has changed enough to warrant glasses or a new prescription.

Some children may also not be able to tell if their vision has changed, as they may not vocalize that things don’t look the way they used to. Or, their teachers may notice that they’re squinting more or having trouble reading.

It’s no fun to go through life struggling to see, and getting a yearly eye exam ensures you don’t have to do so.

This is especially important for children or aging adults, as vision can change rapidly in these two populations.

Eye Exams Can Help Your Doctor Identify Other Illnesses

Did you know your eyes can give your doctor a glimpse into the health of your body as a whole? A comprehensive eye exam can help your eye doctor recommend that you have your regular doctor perform certain tests based on clues from your eye exam.

For example, having inflammation in your eyes may mean that you have an autoimmune disorder. Changes the cornea can mean you have high cholesterol. Bleeding from  your retinal blood vessels can also indicate you have hypertension or diabetes.

Additionally, if your eye doctor notices swelling in your optic nerve, this can be a sign that you may have neurological conditions.  Your eye health can be the first clue that you have a brain tumor or increased intracranial pressure.

As scary as some of these illnesses sound, often, early detection can help ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

Tests for Eye Diseases

In addition to diseases of the body, an eye exam can help identify diseases of the eye. Glaucoma, for instance, can eventually lead to severe vision loss.  It is often symptomless and can be treated and managed to prevent permanent vision loss if detected early.

Schedule Regular Eye Exams

Scheduling regular eye exams are paramount to your overall health and that of your family. Ensure everyone gets regular eye exams by putting reminders in your calendar or phone to schedule your next appointment. Don’t put it off; it could be incredibly important for your vision.

If you’re in the Greater NYC area, book your appointment with us today.

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